Unlocking Potential, Inspiring Change

W. Burlingame Consulting empowers growth through strengths-based strategies and reflective learning for organizations and individuals.

Fostering Transformative Change: The Strengths-Based Approach of W. Burlingame Consulting

At W. Burlingame Consulting, we believe in the inherent potential of both organizations and the individuals within them. Our journey began with the conviction that every entity possesses a unique capacity for generativity and sustained evolution. Through our dedicated practice of a strengths-based, capacity-building approach, we empower individuals, foster strong interpersonal dynamics, fortify teams, and drive organizational change. Our mission is to cultivate a culture of reflective learning, enabling transformative growth that propels our clients towards enduring success.

Over two decades, I've dedicated myself to empowering individuals, groups, and organizations through strengths, whether as a facilitator, instructor, coach, or therapist.

Our Services

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Executive & Leadership Coaching

Team Process &

Organizational Diagnosis
& Development


Skilled Expert in Organizational Development
and Change Management